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Chair Leaders

Philip's Fundraising Page

Hello Everyone, I'm very excited to be a Chair Leader for this year's campaign.

More about me

My brother was confined to a wheelchair for the last few years of his life and I saw (but he never complained) the struggles he had to do the simplest things that we all take for granted. My sister was stricken with a disease that threatened the loss of her legs and I began to imagine how that would affect her life as a professional person and mother of two small kids. We all encounter people every day who live that reality. If I can bring attention to issues faced by paraplegics and raise money to assist the Canadian Paraplegic Association, I'll be thrilled to be a small part of it. I'll be in a wheelchair for the day on May 28 and ask that you consider a contribution to this great cause. Thanks and have a great day!

Help me reach my goal



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