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Chair Leaders

John 's Fundraising Page

Hello- thanks for checking out this site and hopefully you will consider making a donation for the Canadian Paraplegic Association. Please note that 75% of funds raised stay in Inverness County to help support paraplegic initiatives.

More about me

I am a teacher/guidance counselor at Cape Breton Highlands Academy who was approached by a former student to help support Callum MacQuarrie in generating awareness around obstacles faced by our community members on a daily basis. We take many simple things for granted such as access to businesses, facilities and recreational opportunities which are not always easily accessible for everyone. When I was 23 years old I had an accident that left me legally blind for nearly two years, during that time the active lifestyle and independence that I took for granted was quickly taken away. It was during this time that I realized the many barriers that people with disabilities face. Wednesday May the 9th I will spend the day in a wheel chair in an attempt to educate and draw more awareness to our students, staff and school community members at CBHEC/A of these obstacles while raising money for the Canadian Paraplegic Association. Please consider making a donation to this worth while cause.

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